Who Are We

About  Us

Not So Long Ago

How We Begin

It was a long and interesting journey in how we began. The church is currently shepherd by Ps. Jennifer Chia by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and it all began from that one fine day in her life.

Many years before the K.L. Christ Life Church was established, Ms. Jennifer was just an ordinary lady, having an established career as a ballet instructor. At that time, she was operating a local neighbourhood ballet school. But because her life was touched by the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (discipled and preached through Rev. Lee Chull from Life Church Washington D.C.), it became a joyful habit for her to deliver the same Gospel and it had reached many other people within her circle of relationships. As more and more people heard and believed in the salvation of Christ Jesus, Ms. Jennifer then started a small group lesson as a means to nurture, equip and strengthen the new believers in the foundations of the Word of God (which later became the 36 lessons of Gospel Fundamentals of the church). There were only 12 of us back then.


A Church
Was Born

As the new believers were baptized by Rev. Lee Chull and due to the lack of a local official pastor to shepherded them, Ms. Jennifer was then ordained as the official Pastor of K.L. Christ Life Church by Rev. Lee Chull by the prompting of the Holy Spirit through much prayers of the believers of Jesus Christ who knew her and the situation back then.

Hence forth, Pastor Jennifer Chia through the conviction of the Holy Spirit took the role of shepherding the people that God had prepared as the ones who truly seek after Him, His Word and His Will. For those whom had seen and witness the birth of this church could only say that it is a miracle church, because nobody had actually planned the establishments except through the right timing of the calling of God.

A Day In History

Our First

The first worship service of KL Christ Life Church was held on June 13, 2004, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, with a mere 12 believers of Christ Jesus. The Lord God our heavenly father had guided us with abundant liberating and affirming Gospel messages.

With these Gospel messages, not only that people whom had listened could establish a deeper understanding of the perfect will of God, but also for those whom had believed, they are able to enjoy the authority of God and the strength to live every day.

Where  We Are

K.L. Christ Life Church will continue to testify the living God, and to serve as a testimony to His children that God is always with them. We currently seek growth in these areas:

Ask of the Lord to continue to bring us blessed messages.

Ask the Lord to bless us with unceasing communication.

Ask the Lord to cultivate spiritual workers and a perfect union.

Ask the Lord to revive the Gospel within ourselves and our families.