Worship Message

Asking The Father In Heaven By Abiding in Christ

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19Jul 2020
Being Bless By A Heart That Loves The Father

Mont Gerizim and Mont Ebal speaks to us of the principles of blessings for those who abides in the Lord and the principles of curses for those who rejects the Lord; back then to the Israelites and now, to the Christians. But there is a greater mountain which speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is mountain where Christ proclaimed the eight beatitudes. Listen more to find out.

12Jul 2020
The Mystery and Power of Prayer Is In The Kingdom

The King and His People, The Father and His Sons, The Lord and His Servants, The Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ; these are the four primary relationships which is constituted in the Kingdom of God. Listen more to find out.

05Jul 2020
Knowing The Father's Will Only By The Narrow Gate

The narrow gate with the narrow path, as Christ Jesus described, is very unsightly and few are willing to take enter. But what lies beyond this is something that is far more amazing. Listen to find out more.

28Jun 2020
The Strength of Prayer That Comes From The Father's Will

God the Father in Heaven is a Holy God. Those who are willing to be close to Him has got to partake in His Holiness. This is the first step know His will, leading to a prayer which aligns to His Will.

21Jun 2020
Knowing the Father's Will and Promise

God the Heavenly Father's Will does not depart from His laws and His principles. This message highlights many of the characters of the Bible, putting in light on what it means by those that live by the soul and those that live by the Spirit.

14Jun 2020
Asking The Father By Living In His Will

In order for prayers to be fulfilled, it has got to be aligning with God the Father’s will. How can we discern God’s will and our own desires? A deeper understanding of the body, the soul and the spirit is what this message is about.

07Jun 2020
All Things Are Made Possible Only Through Prayer

When one prays according to men’s logic and reasonings, that prayer is as good as a religious act, which brings nothing of the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. Listen to find out how to approach the throne of God in humbleness and humility, so that we could pray of the things which God will fulfill.

31May 2020
Resting In The Unchanging Love of the Lord

The Love of God is never according to the perceived love of mankind, for His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. One cannot love adequately without understanding the perfect love of God the Father in Heaven; And it is in His love that we find perfect rest. Listen more to find out.

24May 2020
Finding Rest In Obedience and Trust

The Bible states it clearly that every form of murmuring is an abhorrence towards God. Looking back to the days of Moses with the Israelites, true rest from their burdens and their hearts didn’t come to them even though they saw signs and wonders from the Lord, and though they have the word of God that is His law, they fell dead in the wilderness, because they are lacking of something, that is trust and obedience.

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