Worship Message

End Times Prophesy

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10May 2015
walk with Jesus in this path of righteous

Daniel 2:44 In the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Romans 14:17 for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Deuteronomy 6:25 It shall be righteousness to us, if we observe to do all this commandment before Yahweh our God, as he has commanded us." Deuteronomy 16:20 You shall follow that which is altogether just, that you may live, and inherit the land which Yahweh your God gives you. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse; and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.

03May 2015
The Fire That Is Sent By Jesus

Still in the chapter of Luke 12, this sermon about the fire which the Lord will sent by Himself. What is this fire about? Is it truly something which breaks relationships? Or something which consecrates and separates the believers from the unbelievers? A separation of those who walks in the true Gospel or those who holds tightly on religious practices? Or is it a fire that takes the saints away from the worship of Mammon to the worship of the true and living God?

26Apr 2015
Walk the path of gospel - Part 2

Luke 12 holds the very essences of the path of the Gospel and how we should walk in it, spoken out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This sermon is a continuation from last week's Worship sermon. Listen to find out more.

19Apr 2015
Walk the path of gospel - Part 1

Walking the path of the Gospel is the only way to enable a saint to be more than conquerors when it comes to the great tribulations of end times. The Lord Jesus Christ outlines it all in the book of Luke, chapter 12 (which shouldn't be spiritually digested in isolation of verses). Listen to find out more.

12Apr 2015
The Wage of Serving In End Time

This sermon relates to a parable which Jesus Christ had spoken in Matthew 20, "The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard", which involves the land owner, the servants who were hired at different period of time and finally, the wage, which is the same for all of the hired servants regardless of the hour or period of hire. Listen more to find out the revelation of the mystery of this parable, which is totally related to what is going on to all of the servants of God throughout the ages.

05Apr 2015
The Risen Lord: The Parable of the Talents

The parable of the talents is a known parable by many Christians. It was taught in Sunday schools, preached by many preachers. But the fact was, Christ spoke of this parable just right after the parable of the ten virgins while He was mentioning of the signs of end times to His disciples back then. So what has this parable got to do with end times and what should a follower of Christ learn from this parable? Listen to find out more.

29Mar 2015
The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Just right after Jesus preached of the coming signs of end times, He continued further with the parable of the ten virgins, five were wise and the other five were foolish. Both the five wise and the five foolish ones is a glimpse of the life, the spirit and the attitude of the ones that will be raptured and the ones which would have to stay back until they become the ripen harvest of the earth <Revelation 14>. Listen to find out more.

22Mar 2015
The Rapture of End Times

This the second sermon of the End Time Prophesy series, focusing much on the "firstfruits", their attributes, their priorities, purpose in life and how they carry themselves spiritually.

15Mar 2015
Prophesy of End Times

This is the first sermon of the End Time Prophesy series. This sermon specifically focuses on two batches of saints in end times, namely the firstfruits and the ripen harvest of the earth. The sermon outlines what will take place soon with these two categories of saints with reference to the book of Revelation.