Practical Gospel Living

Preaching of the Gospel

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03Feb 2021
Be the Light of Our Lord Jesus

In Psalms 16, there is a very profound verse which exhorts Christians to continually set the Lord before us. Listen more to find out.

27Jan 2021
Preaching of the Gospel (Part 4)

This sermon explains how to deal with casting out the demonic spirits and its principles according to the Scriptures. Listen to find out more.

20Jan 2021
Preaching of the Gospel (Part 3)

As Christ Jesus said, the Truth will Set You Free. There will be situation where it requires deliverance from demonic spirits when the Gospel arrives to a person. Listen more to find out.

13Jan 2021
Preaching of the Gospel (Part 2)

The past sermon was about the internals of Gospel preaching. This sermon explains more of the external attributes and mechanics of the success in delivering the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Listen to find out more.

06Jan 2021
Preaching of the Gospel (Part 1)

Preaching the Good News of Christ Jesus begins with how one experience the power of the Gospel. Listen to find out.