Books In The Bible

The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training)

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12May 2020
The Book of Revelation - Quick Revision

This recording is a very quick summary of what was taught so far of the Book of Revelation.

06May 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 22)

This message explains chapter 22 of the Book of Revelation, which is a great encouragement for all followers of Christ Jesus who put up a good fight, finished the race and have kept the faith.

05May 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 21)

This message explains chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation, with regards to the New Heaven and the New Earth, which is the hope of all followers of Christ Jesus.

30Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 20)

The New Heaven and the New Earth is just the beginning of a sinless eternity where finally, the Lord can be with His people and His sons forever and ever without boundary. This message is about chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation. Listen to find out more.

29Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 19)

The Judgment of the White Throne of God is the final judgment of the entire human history that is to be made. What are the principles of God’s judgment? Listen to find out.

28Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 18)

This message is a quick revision on the some of the important purpose of the Lord God all the way till Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation, where we cover the Judgment of the White Throne of God.

23Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 17)

The Millennium Kingdom of Christ Jesus consists of a temple as well (much can be discovered in the Old Testament). Why is the temple so important and why God insists the nation of Israel to have a temple for Him? Listen to find out more.

22Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 16)

Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of the Millennium Kingdom where Christ will reign as the King on earth. Much of the Old Testament records prophesies on the Millennium Kingdom. Listen to find out more.

16Apr 2020
The Book of Revelation (Disciple Training Part 14)

The message explains the Banquet of the Lamb where the saints, the victorious ones of the Lord Jesus will be rewarded accordingly.

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