Worship Message

The Change of Name

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01Mar 2020
The Spirit of a Son of God that Qualifies the Inheritance of the Kingdom

The measurement of Spiritual strength is directly proportional to how much we know and to of what portion we are to the inheritance of the Kingdom of God. Listen more to find out.

23Feb 2020
The Change of Name (Part 3)

Once a covenant is made by God to a man. What is of God is his and what is of his is of God. Abraham without any question gave up Isaac. But God too did His part by giving up His Son – Jesus Christ.

16Feb 2020
The Change of Name (Part 2)

The journey of sanctification begins from the calling to know the Lord God and later knowing the covenant which the Lord made. Listen to find out.

09Feb 2020
The Change of Name (Part 1)

The Holy Bible has altogether two accounts of the change of a name - proposed not by men, but by The Lord God. This is not just a personal signification; but has got a lot to do with the Kingdom of God. Listen to find out.