Worship Message

The Prayer of A Righteous Person

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27Dec 2020
Obtaining The Victorious Contents of Prayer Through Prayer

The victorious prayer content can only be obtained through the growth in a believer’s spirit. And whereby the growth in spirit relies on a consistent prayerful life. What is this all about? Listen to find out.

20Dec 2020
Victorious Prayer Contents Brings Victory in Prayer

The ingredient of a victorious prayer lies in its contents, which is largely related to a person’s relation with the Lord, in love, trust, reliance and of the Kingdom. Listen to find out.

13Dec 2020
Are You United With The Lord In Faith?

Christian faith by the instructions of the Lord will lead to success. Faith NOT BY the instructions of the Lord is futile. The event of Jesus in the boat which later meet with great storm and rough sea tells us much about this.

06Dec 2020
Authority In Prayer Through Repentance

The first step to praying with authority begins with repentance; turning from death to life; a dead spirit to a living spirit. Listen to find out more.

29Nov 2020
How To Stand In His Righteousness and Pray

The message brings to us the understanding of the process of renewal of the spirit; making a believer's spirit righteous has got to do with the Holy Spirit carving His word into the heart of the person. Listen to find out.

22Nov 2020
Praying In The Fulfillment of The Word of God

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 verse 13, a rather short verse, packs immense perspective and insights to the secrets of the effective prayer. Listen to find out.

15Nov 2020
Justification of Faith - The Blessing and The Burden of Undertaking

When a believer of Christ is justified as righteous by the person's trust in Christ Jesus, the rights of heavenly inheritance awaits this person. But any things which belongs to the Kingdom of God has weight and it requires a person’s maturity or “spiritual muscles” to undertake it.

08Nov 2020
Living in the Father's Will By Abiding in Christ

The prayer of a righteous person could only be powerful and dynamic in its working UNLESS the prayer is very well aligned with the Heavenly Father’s will, made with the right heart, in the right location, for the right circumstance, with the right prayer contents and at the right time.

01Nov 2020
Never Forget the Instructions Which The Lord Has Entrusted (Part 2)

Continuing on the previous message, this sermon speaks about the sphere of governance, be it the governance of the Throne of God, or the governance of the dominion of darkness. Both affects the workings of the payer of a righteous person. Listen to find out.

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